My background and interest in natural health products began following years of taking prescription medications for pain due to an injury sustained in Vietnam during the 1960’s. The primary medication was Darvon, which was subsequently removed from the market because it was associated with liver damage for those who used it for a sustained period of time. I felt there had to be a different way to treat my health condition. I decided after five years following honorable discharge from the USAF that it was time to get out of harm’s way. I finished up my undergraduate degree at The University of Hawaii and in 1983, graduated from The National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Oregon after four years of medical training. I went back to Hawaii and began my Naturopathic practice.

I worked with all kinds of conditions but was inspired to focus on AIDS patients and figure out how to rebuild their immune systems. By working with AIDS patients, I learned that the damage to their immune systems made them overly sensitive to medications. Aside from the virus, many had suffered adverse side effects from chronic exposure to potent and toxic pharmaceuticals. I learned how to avoid many pharmaceutical products and how to bring about recovery in patients with serious chronic disease and potentially incurable conditions.

For years I have discussed skincare products with Kelly. She has suffered from chronic Lyme disease for over ten years and knows fully well how important it is to have skincare products formulated without chemicals to help avoid adverse reactions. I have advised her about what natural products enhance skin beauty without aggravating an overstimulated immune system. These products work with the intelligence of the body leading not only to healthy skin but also the health of the entire bio-economy.

Basic beauty secrets are the birth right of all women, men and Babies. Kelly’s formulations offer that to the consumer and I know if you try them, you will be pleased.

Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Paul Kenyon ND

Try a .25oz sample for $8.00